Lee Provost |

Acolin’s comprehensive solutions for Global Fund Distribution

12th July 2024

Navigating the global fund distribution landscape requires a partner who understands the intricacies of different markets and regulatory environments. Acolin offers a full range of high-quality products and services for UCITS and AIFMD providers, tailored to meet your unique business needs.

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Distribution oversight: Compliant processes that mitigate risk without losing efficiencies

23rd February 2022

Recent fines from financial regulators across Europe have sent a clear message.

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Going against the grain. Why charging clients to access their data is wrong

11th June 2021

The data provided in the DDQ is the property of our partners, not ours.

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Interview: The critical role of global distributors in due diligence

16th April 2020

Global distributors play a critical role in providing support and comprehensive regulatory...

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Distribution monitoring in cross-border fund distribution

27th September 2019

The importance of the KYD (Know your distributor) principle has increased more and...

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